Üsküdar University has continued its support and work for the region since the first day after the disaster of the century which was centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6 and caused devastating results in 11 provinces. The academic personnel, administrative personnel and students of the Üsküdar family that have started an aid campaign since the first say of the earthquake, have delivered and continued to deliver the aid they have collected in cash and in kind to the region. Moreover, academicians continue their research and studies in the region.
Aid mobilization started from the first day
Üsküdar University also sent relief materials consisting of 5 buses to the region in the first two days of the earth quake in the coordination of the Istanbul Provincial Representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Department Özcan Demir’s management and the Turkish University Sports Federation. The members of Üsküdar University, which was immediately organized as of the first hours of the earthquake and started a full mobilization with its academic personnel, administrative personnel and students, delivered the materials they collected from the Main Campus to the transfer points to be delivered to the earthquake regions every day.

Prof. Tayfun Uzbay worked to supply medicines to earthquake victims…
Üsküdar University Advisor to the Rector, Head of the Department of Medical Sciences and Member of the Central Delegation of the Turkish Pharmacists’ Association. Prof. Tayfun Uzbay, who continued his work in Ankara as a member of the Central Delegation of the Turkish Pharmacists’ Association after the earthquake, said that 25 field pharmacies were established for the victims affected by the earthquake and needed medicines, and medicines were provided free of charge.

Selman Utku carried out various activities in the debris zone day and night
Selman Utku, an expert at Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports Department, voluntarily carried out activities in the earthquake zone with the “Camp Fire Türkiye Search and Rescue Association” after two earthquakes of 7.68 magnitude in Kahramanmaraş and 7.6 magnitude in Gaziantep on February 6. In the search and rescue efforts, the team consisting of 8 people, including Utku, played a major role in the rescue of 14 of our citizens from under the debris. Utku, who participated in search and rescue operations in various regions in the disaster area through the Camp Fire Türkiye Search and Rescue Association, carried out relief efforts in Reyhanlı, Samandağ, Altınözü, Kırıkhan, Terzihöyük Village, Odabaşı Neighborhood, Akevler Neighborhood and Rönesans Residence locations of Hatay. In the following days, Utku took part as a team leader in organizing the aid coming from various regions of Türkiye and distributing it to the villages in need. At night, search and rescue operations continued in the debris of the collapsed buildings within the scope of verified information later in the day.

OHS academics went to the earthquake region and made investigations
Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Health and Safety and Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) academicians went to the earthquake area and made investigations. Academicians have proposed the creation of earthquake museums in cities destroyed by the earthquake, examples of which have been found in Japan.
Dr. Rüştü Uçan: “Earthquake museums can keep social memory alive”
OHS Specialist Dr. Rüştü Uçan said that the museums where the items recovered from the debris will be exhibited can be turned into a symbol so that earthquakes are not forgotten.
Psychological Support Service is provided
Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital specialists provide ‘Free Earthquake Trauma Psychology Support Line’ service for students and employees affected by the earthquake disaster.
Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that “When the damages of the earthquake begin to be eliminated, the mental damages begin.” President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who stated that the mental damages occur when the debris of the earthquake begins to be eliminated, said that “There was also a very quick reaction to the psychological support. We have established psychological support lines. Psychiatric problems are just beginning to emerge. When the damages of the earthquake begin to be eliminated, the mental damages begin. We are stronger and more resilient than many societies. Let’s learn lessons. Let us be strong within us. You will spread the feelings of brotherhood and friendship to the society so that you can make the world brotherhood. We cannot achieve regional unity outside without unity at home. This is one of the most important lessons of fate.”.

During Ramadan, we went to the earthquake region…
After the earthquakes that were effective in 11 provinces and called the disaster of the century, the earthquake victims in Kahramanmaraş and Hatay were visited under the leadership of Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) Department and Hold My Hand Association. During the visit where food and clothing aid was provided, the people of Üsküdar, who brought gifts to the children who felt the pain of the earthquake most deeply, relieved their pain to a certain extent with the colorful and entertaining activities they organized.
Students affected by the earthquake were met…
A team of 30 people who visited Dedeler Elementary-Secondary School in Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş carried out activities with children and provided clothes and supplies.
The pain was tried to be relieved with activities…
Entertaining activities such as magic and clown shows were held. Face paint was applied to children, and also candy and balloons were given. Reyhanlı Education Campus was visited…
On the other hand, the team, which stopped by Hatay after Kahramanmaraş, visited Reyhanlı Education Campus which is an international educational institution. Refreshments were offered to earthquake victims in tent cities…
The Üsküdar delegation visited the tent cities in the center of Antakya in the earthquake region and offered treats to the children there.
Üsküdar University’s “Earthquake Manifesto”
This year, the 5th International Congress of Positive Psychology by Üsküdar University with the theme of “The Science of Kindness / What does Kindness Yields? & Growth after Earthquake and Trauma” lasted for three days. In the “Manifesto for Post-Traumatic Growth as a Result of Earthquakes” announced by the congress organizing committee, it was emphasized that traumatic experiences such as earthquakes can cause not only psychological disorders but also positive change and development. In the 7-item manifesto, attention was drawn to the lessons to be taken from the Kahramanmaraş-based earthquakes that devasted our country. Emphasizing that the earthquake should be considered as an opportunity to direct growth and development and increase awareness for all our citizens and our country, the manifesto stated that “Activities that support development and learning should be increased in terms of awareness, preparation and coping in all individuals of our country, children, young people and adults. As a society, steps should be taken that will lead to development in terms of cooperation and organization.”.
Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: “We should discuss the results from all sides”
President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who is also the President of the Congress, emphasized the importance of understanding the manifesto announced in his closing speech by all segments of society. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that “If we, as a society, can discuss the results and develop concepts in the manifesto as administrators, it will be the best spiritual investment we make for the future of Türkiye. The manifesto was the lessons learned from this. What this congress produced was actually the revenue of the congress. Of course, it is not easy to turn this into practice. Thus, I think we all have a duty and responsibility.”.
Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)