Board of Directors

Board Of Directors

Stephano Sinicropi

President, Midwest Spine & Brain Institute
With numerous years of experience and thousands of surgeries completed, Dr. Sinicropi consistently incorporates new advancements in motion-sparing and minimally invasive techniques, resulting in enhanced patient outcomes while improving patient recovery, reducing pain, and increasing mobility for spinal procedures, including disc replacements, spinal decompressions, and spinal fusions. Dr. Sinicropi values the opportunity to treat his patients, forming connections with them outside their condition. He understands that spine surgery will disrupt someone’s life and calls his ability to help a privilege. Dr. Stefano Sinicropi is known nationally as an expert in spine surgery. He is a Board-Certified orthopedic spine surgeon, completing his medical degree and residency at Columbia University, followed by a fellowship at the prestigious Leatherman Spine. He currently serves as the President and CEO of Midwest Spine & Brain Institute.

Navid Sadoughi

SBMT Neurosurgery & Spinal Pain Management Subcommittee

Melissa King

SBMT Regenerative Medicine Subcommittee Chair
Melissa King is a passionate advocate for patients of chronic illness and disease as well as the medical research that can help reduce their suffering. An expert at engaging multiple stakeholders and communicating effectively with varied audiences, she has been a champion for the California stem cell research program since before it formally existed.

Giulio Maria Passineti

SBMT Alzheimer's Subcommittee Chair
Dr. Giulio Maria Pasinetti, The Saunders Family Chair and Professor of Neurology, received an M.D. from the Milan University School of Medicine and a Ph.D. from the University of Milan. He is currently the Program Director of the NIH funded Mount Sinai Center for Molecular Integrative Neuroresilience and the Chief of the Brain Institute Center of Excellence for Novel Approaches to Neurodiagnostics and Neurotherapeutics.

Marcos Wagner de Souza Porto

Advances in Cerebrovascular and Spine Subcommittees SBMT 2023-2024

Amin Kassam

Chair of Cerebrovascular advances Subcommittee 2023-2024 | WBMF Pioneer in Technology Development Award Recipient, 2022
Over the past two decades, Dr. Kassam has been the Chairman or led four Neurosurgery programs; pioneered and globally taught novel surgical procedures; founded or held leadership roles in several technology start-up companies; and, has held executive health care administration leadership roles needed to translate these innovations through Integrated Service Line delivery models. He is the Founder and CEO of Neeka Enterprises and recently served as the Chief Scientific Strategist, VP Neurosciences, and Chairman of Neurological Surgery for AdvocateAurora Health Care. 

Keerthy Sunder

WBMF Golden Axon Leadership Award, 2023
CEO, Karma Doctors & Karma TMS, Inc Founder, The Sunder Foundation, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California Riverside, CA, USA

Christopher Wheeler

WBMF Golden Axon Award, 2023 | Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Subcommittee SBMT 2023- 2024
President at StemVax, Chief Scientific Officer at T-Neuro Pharma, Inc. Professor and research scientist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Babak Kateb

Chairman and CEO of SBMT 1st President SBMT, WBMF Pioneer in Medicine Award, 2015 | NanoneuroSurgery and NeuroPhotonics Subcommittee SBMT 2023-2024, BCI, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering Subcommitee 2023-2024, Military Medicine Subcommittee 2023 - 2024 | Neuroscience20 Global Chairman
Founding Chairman of the Board of SBMT and President of World Brain Mapping Foundation, Scientific Director of SBMT and Brain Mapping Foundation, Director of National Center for Nano-Bio-Electronics, Director of Brain Technology and Innovation Park (BTIP), and Chairman of science advisory board of Infinity Arc (cancer/radiosurgery tech).

Eric Kandel

Member of the USA, German and France National Academies of Science, Kavil Professor and Director of Kavli Institute for Brain Sciences and Senior Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University, NY, USA
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