Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions


The Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is a non-profit society organized to encourage scientists to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients afflicted with neurological disorders; in Brain Mapping, engineering, stem cell, nanotechnology, imaging, and medical devices.

SBMT achieves its mission through multi-disciplinary collaborations with government agencies, patient advocacy groups, educational institutes, industry, and philanthropic organizations. We promote public welfare and improve patient care by translating new technologies/therapies into lifesaving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We are continually committed to excellence in education and scientific discovery.


This is a unique conference, held annually. It provides key presentations and forums to help bring together representatives and professionals from across multiple specialties and disciplines in order to fill the gap of education amongst different specialties.

This annual convention covers many subjects including advances in neurosurgery, neurology, radiology, oncology, psychiatry, engineering, nanotechnology, device, Imaging and cellular/molecular/stem cell therapeutics as well as healthcare policy and regulatory affairs.

Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Click here for Location.

The next conference runs from Thursday February 27th to Sunday March 2nd, 2025.

Name badges can be collected on arrival from the registration desk. All Registered participants and exhibitors are kindly requested to wear their name badges throughout the conference in order to be admitted to the lecture halls and scheduled activities.

Unfortunately no. We run on tight logistics accounting for every of our attendees.

However, additional tickets can be purchased for the Annual World Congress of SBMT, Neuroscience20 or GFC Awards Gala online or by contacting the registration manager:

Please visit Annual Congress Event Info & Registration page for more information.

During conference days, business casual attire is preferred. The Awards Gala is a Black-tie event.

The official language of the Conference is English.

Yes, we invite you to exhibit your product or service in the conference Exhibition Hall. The exhibition will be situated where the refreshment breaks will be held.

Please see the Official Prospectus Click here for the Prospectus

Dr. Babak Kateb
Co-Chair of the Industry Committee
Annual World Congress of SBMT
860 Via de la Paz Suite E-1,
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, US

Tel: 310-500-6196 (Headquarters)
Fax: 323-654-3511
Cell: 310-980-8340

Please visit Annual Congress Event Info & Registration page for more information.

Registration Page

International visitors to the US may need to apply for a visa prior to arrival. You are urged to apply for a visa at the earliest. For more information on visa applications, please visit

If you require a letter of invitation to accompany your visa application, you must register and pay for your conference attendance.

The letter of invitation will be issued by the President and or Chairman/CEO of SBMT on the letterhead of the organization. Should your visa application be denied, all purchases are final and NO REFUNDS will be issued, if for any reason, your visa is denied.

  1. All conference registrations are eligible to register for the Early-Bird Registration Price.
  2. Substituting names will be accepted only prior to the conference. Registration is valid for the named attendee only.

The Congress Secretariat and Organizer’s cannot accept responsibility whatsoever for injury or damage involving persons and property either during or indirectly arising from the congress. Participants are advised to make their own arrangements with respect to personal health and travel insurance.

Penalty for trespassing – faulty entrance – sneaking in, is $3600.00 per day. The penalty for faulty documentation/badge will be $5000.00. The organization reserves the right to take further action against the individual and the institution they are representing.

The Congress Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents, nor loss of or damage to private property of participants, either during or directly arising from the Annual World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.

Historical Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.

Book your Hotel: HERE