Meet the SBMT President

Abilash Haridas

Meet the SBMT President

Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics elects Abilash Haridas, to serve as president for the 2024-2025 cycle.

SBMT President’s Message

It is an incredible honor to serve as the President of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles from February 28- March 2, 2025.

SBMT is a truly unique organization where scientists from various backgrounds converge on the unified goal of advancing the neurosciences.  The theme of this year’s meeting will focus on the convergence of human consciousness and neuroscientific innovation.

The new era of brain-computer interface, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and robotics will completely change the landscape of healthcare.  The incredible stories of human perseverance, deep, thoughtful experiments and revolutionary therapies ultimately come from a source that is deep and personal to everyone.  It is that passion and drive that forces us to unlock our real potential for healing humanity.  The discoveries yet to unfold lie in a much deeper realm of consciousness, and we hope you will tap into that curiosity at our meeting, where the cutting edge of neuro innovation thrives.

Our collective consciousness promotes diversity, curiosity, and humility to engage with the next great discovery to help humanity.  Our mission at SBMT is to travel the road less traveled and encourage cross-pollination between science, technology and human consciousness.  That realm of consciousness is where an idea to transform humanity exists, and I hope you will bring this excitement to our meeting.

The 2025 SBMT meeting will have incredible speakers meant to challenge what you know, help you embrace the unknown, and leave you energized about the future.  By unlocking your imagination and curiosity, we hope to leave you as better scientists and deep thinkers for advancing the greater good of helping our patients.

I truly look forward to seeing you.

Warmest Wishes
Abilash Haridas, MD, FAANS, FCNS, FABPNS
22nd President SBMT
Los Angeles, California